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Abdul Ghafoor

Abdul Ghafoor (aged 50 years) was born with a left sided unilateral cleft lip. He lived a life of Misery and Rejection. He then visited Prof. Ghulam Qadir Fayyaz at Faisalabad in 2004. He got information about Cleft surgery through a friend in the rural area of Jhang district. Prof. Dr. Ghulam QadirFayyaz performed his Lip surgery which was 3 hours long. After Surgery when he went back to his village, no one recognized him. He had to tell them I am Abdul Ghafoor, because everybody used to see him as a Cleft patient and when his lip was fixed So Good , People had some difficulty in recognising him. No one can judge him now that previously he was a cleft patient. He became more confident after his surgery which brought a very positive change in his life. He got married after surgery and started living a normal life.

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