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Riyan Shah

Riyan Shah was a baby girl who was born with bilateral cleft lip and palate deformity. After her birth some guests from the family visited her home and after looking at her face gave very nasty comments, “The condition of baby must be the result of sins committed by her parents “. Due to these comments her parents became very much upset and frustrated. They started hiding Riyan Shah in the backroom whenever anyone used to visit them to avoid any disturbing remarks. Ultimately the family Visited Dr. Fayyaz for help. Prof. Ghulam Qadir Fayyaz performed the surgery of Lip of Ryan Shah at the age of 3 months. After surgery when their relatives and neighbours saw Riyan Shah, they again commented and said that this is not your original child, you must have changed her with someone else. At the age of nine months, her Bilateral Cleft Palate was also repaired. Now Ryan Shah is getting education in school and enjoying the life like a normal child without having any discrimination or Inferiority Complex.

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